电机引接线,本产品按GB/T12527-90《额定电压1kV 及以下架空绝缘电
缆》及IEC60502《额定电压1-30kV 挤包绝缘电力电缆及附件》JXN电机引接线
The product in manufactured according to the standards of GB/T12527-
90《Aerial insulated cables of rated voltages up to and incluiding 1 kV》
and IEC60502《Extruded soid dielectric power cables for rated voltages
from 1kV to 30kV》.
·短路时(最长持续时间不超过5 秒)电缆导体的最高温度应不
聚氯乙烯绝缘架空电缆:160℃ ;
电缆外径(D)不于25mm 时,应不小于电缆外径的4 倍;
电缆外么(D)等于或大于25mm 时,应不小于电缆外么的
6 倍。
大于电缆额定电压的1.5 倍。
·Rated vohageU0/U: 为0.6/1kV. JXN电机引接线
·Max.permissible continuous temperature:
PVC、PE insulated aerial cables:70℃;
XLPE insulated aerial cables:90℃。
·Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed;
PVC insulated aerial cables:160℃:
PE insulated aerial cables:130℃:
XIPE insulater aerial cables:250℃ .
·The installation ambient temperature shouhl nol beltm -20℃
·The bending radius of cables are reeomnlend as follows:
When the diameter of cables less than 25 mm:not less than 4 times
the diameter of cables;
When the diameter of cables not less than 25mm:not lesss than 6
times the diameter of cables.
·When the cables use in alternating current system, rated voltage of
cables should be at least equal the rated voltage of the syseem;When
the cables use in direct current system. rated voltage of the system
should be not greater tham 1.5 times of the rated voltage of the cables.
额定电压1kV 及以下架空绝缘电缆
Aerial insulated cable with rated voltage up to and including 1kV